domingo, 12 de abril de 2020

Editoras / Ocultismo

Espaço para organizar as editoras nacionais que publicam livros sobre o Ocultismo. Dentre as mais conhecidas estão a Penumbra Livros, a Daemon Editora, a Editora Via Sestra, A Madras, A Mercuryo e a editora Polar.

Polar Editorial



Three Hands Press, a sister publishing house of XOANON PUBLISHING, was conceived in Summer 2003 as a joint venture between Andrew Chumbley, Daniel Schulke, and an anonymous third party. Its name refers in part to the threefold actuating force of author, publisher, and the animating spirit of a book. This triune power is the quintessence of the reifying textual force, and aptly glyphs our regard of the Magical Book as sentient manifestations of the Logos.

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